Acorus calamus rhizome powder


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Product Description

Acorus calamus
Family: Araceae
Common names: Aromatic calamus, Kalamus, Acoro, Canna odorosa

Calamus is a marsh plant, similar to a small rush, and is native to eastern Asia, but today it is widespread almost everywhere, but always near or in water,
both current and stagnant.
If you have a small pond in your garden, you may want to experiment with using calamus.

Called “canna odorosa”, as this plant was once called, it resembles cinnamon and was particularly loved in ancient Greece and Mesopotamia.
The variety favored by the ancient Egyptians came from Phoenicia.
In the Gilgamesch epic it is said that calamus, mixed with cedar and myrtle, was offered to the gods. Like cedar, it has neurotonifying properties: it strengthens the nerves and is useful in cases of mental weakening. Burning gives off a hot and intense aroma, which
opens the doors to our energy reserves.

Its root, once burned, has an aromatic and sour scent, with a sweetish note. In combination with sweeter woods and resins, such as frankincense, myrrh, sandalwood or elecampane, the scent is even more pleasant.
Kalmus is highly prized in Ayurvedic medicine for its revitalizing and purifying qualities. It is considered a remedy against mental and nervous aging and is used in particular for states of exhaustion. It also increases our ability to concentrate and strengthens our memory.
Since it opens subtle channels, it often even leads to an increase in our perception potential.
Even in Tibetan medicine, calamus is used to enhance mental faculties. It comes in many combinations of incense and essences to burn of Tibetan origin.

For fumigations, the dried rhizome is used, reduced into flakes with the help of a grater. It especially lends itself to being mixed with other essences.

In ancient Egypt its rhizome, which gives off an intense acrid and aromatic odor, was an ingredient of Kyphi, but was only used individually to purify closed environments. Together with cinnamon, calamus was one of the main components of Aegyptium, the well-known ointment exported throughout the ancient world. In Indian Ayurvedic medicine this plant is added to mixtures to prevent certain very strong healing fumigations from causing side effects.
The calamus can be burned on charcoal, in a flame censer, placing it directly on the metal mesh, or on a mica plate. According to Japanese custom, burned alone it has a too penetrating odor, which is sweetened by the addition of styrax and mastic resin.
The dried root must be reduced to minute pieces or even powder.
These fumigations give self-esteem, enhance the will to affirmation, strengthen the nervous system and have an invigorating action. The acrid and pungent aroma
of the calamus was considered by the ancients a symbol of virility and earthly success.


Contains β-asarone, an aromatic compound with known toxicity that is currently under study as a potential chemopreventive agent. The other form, α-asarone, showed important sleeping effects and a good safety profile at therapeutic dosages.

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